Tuesday 31 December 2013

Northern Thailand (Mae Chan, Santisuk, Chiang Mai), China (Lan Chang Village in Yunnan) & Laos

This trip was planned over a year ago as part of my church's missions to visit the children in Vineyard Home in Mae Chan. Our team was divided into two groups - Group 1 which departed to Chiang Mai earlier on Tue, 3 Dec, and Group 2 which joined in on Sat, 7 Dec.

Day 1 - Tue, 3 Dec 2013

As part of the itinerary, after travelling 4 hours from Chiang Mai to Mae Chan (further north of Thailand), we spent the night at Vineyard Home.
Travelling via Tuk-Tuk from Chiang Mai wholesale market to the bus station to catch the public bus to Mae Chan.

One of the cheapest mode of transportation. Do remember to haggle though.
At the Mae Sai stopover.

Vineyard Home
The home was started 16 years ago by Pastor Randall who was an engineer, running his own engineering business in Malaysia. He gave up his business and has since then dedicated his life to giving these children education, hope and a future.

The view from the balcony. Great amount of space for the children to run and play. There is a vegetable farm on the left and a chicken coop on the right for eggs. So that they are sustainable in terms of food.

View from the back balcony. 
With the children who ran to me and gave me tight hugs despite meeting me for the first time.

The kids posing for me by the Christmas tree.

Uncle Hock Lai's method of weight-lifting. I had to snap this photo fast as they weren't light.
The vehicles for the home.

Our first Thai dinner. Good Tom Yum and fried fish.

Day 2 - Wed 4 Dec 2013
Travel route: Mae Chan, Thailand --> Laos --> Jing Hong, China

Our aim is to visit the hill tribe community in Lan Chang, Yunnan. However as distance was a factor, we needed to spend the night at a nearby town in China. So the day's mission was to reach Jing Hong, a town on the way to Lan Chang, China by crossing two borders - Thai/Laos and Laos/China.

We woke up before dawn as we had a long day ahead. The children gathered for their morning devotion before heading to school.
Morning prayer and devotion.

We then hopped into the trucks for a 2-hour drive to Chiang Sern, the border town that is closes to Laos and separated by the Mekong river.

Getting into the back of the truck.

We then took a 5-minute boat ride across the Mekong river to the Laos border. We then got into hired vans and travelled across Laos towards the China border.
Getting ready to cross the border.

The Thai-Laos border.

Heading to the boats.

Loading cargo.

Boats by the Mekong river.

The Laos immigration border.

The street after the border.

Lunch stopover in Laos.

Police checkpoint.

The Laos - China border.

Jing Hong town.

Newly developed area in Jing Hong.

Kua Chi appetiser served for dinner.

Dinner in Jing Hong.

A nearby cafe in the town.

The temple at night.

The night market.

Gorgeous fruits for sale.

Handmade crafts.

Our hotel's cafe, located at the front desk.

Hungry guests.

Noodles for breakfast.

Fruit truck.

Giant avocados.

And dragon fruits.

Roadside vendors seen along the way to the Yunnan village.

Tree barks half-painted in white. Perhaps to reflect car lights in the night?

Paddy field workers.

An old buffalo.

Used for construction.

Garbage piles can be seen along the road to the village.

Warmly-clad elderly folks heading to the morning market.

The morning market.

Paddy fields.

Duck herder.

The road up to the village.

It was a very windy road.

Finally, after several hours, we arrive in the tribal village where the Lahu tribe lives.

Tribal homes.

The community hall.

Lahu man making a basket from rattan.

Flowers in the village.

The pathway up to the village homes.

Peckish chicken.

With her chicks.

Smelly black pigs.

Apparently black pigs are of more value than the usual pink ones.

Starchy corn hung for drying.

The team.

Village men playing a game of cards while having afternoon tea.
Lahu children - Some a bit skeptical of strangers.

The village homes.

Taking a shot with the kids.

Sleepy dog.
Cooking with fire and wood.

Lahu family portraits.

Basket that doubles-up as a stool or table.

Afternoon visitation in a home.

Pork skin appetiser.

A friendly chat with the village headman.
Lahu kitchen.

Three generation of Lahus.

Catching a shot with a Lahu teenager.

Lahu children.

Lahu meal for foreign visitors.

Nothing from the chicken and pig were wasted.

Lahu people waiting for their meals.

Enjoying the unique tastes of tribal food.

Entertaining the villages with a song.

Lahu children enjoying the dragon fruits which we brought.

Village poultry.

Pu-Er Tea dried under the sun.

Lost puppy.

Pets or food?

Friendly pig wanting some attention.

Elderly lady and her grandchild.

View of the village homes.

Tea leaves dried above roof tops.

Home visitation.

Tea leaves processor.

Lahu family.

Elderly lady basking in the sun with her pipe.

Chatting with the villagers.


...to make...

...her smile.

It wasn't easy...

But she eventually did!

View of the tea plantation, which is the village's source of income.

Nearby hotel for our night's lodging.

Only a few rooms available.

Outside area of the hotel.

Dirty street on the road back greeted us the next morning.

Morning market where women made dumplings.

Noodle seller.
Breakfast at Lanchang market.

Black bamboos for sale.

Sundry shops around the vicinity.

Ducklings for sale.

Harvesting tools.

Giant pumpkins.

Dirty market road.

Local residents sharing a table for breakfast.

Chicken for sale.

Back to Jing Hong.

A park in Jing Hong town.

Monument in the park.

Peacock in the park.

Statues in the town.

The bridge that divides the old town and the new.

Temple in modern Jing Hong.

Our dinner of Chinese dishes.

Mohan Port, where we past through immigration. 

On the boat back from Laos to Thailand.

In the pick up truck back to Vinyard home in Mae Chan, Thailand.

Interaction with the kids in the Thai church.


Families usually have a lot of kids and big sisters assume the responsibility of looking after their younger siblings. This girl held her sister while trying to participate in the games.

Longest row of shoes game.

Eric sharing a story with the young ones.

Was surprised to see some having a Samsung smartphone.

Church service on a Sunday.

The congregation.

Pork noodle lunch.

Long-neck tribal women selling scarfs.

Young long-neck girls.

Beautiful long-neck lady.

Long-neck lady weaving cloth.
Long-neck girl weaving.

Eldest long-neck lady.

The heavy brass rings.

Tribal lady selling handmade purses.

The route to the long-neck village.

Baby playing in dirt.
Children are often seen left alone outside their homes without adult supervision.

Giving the kids a pull up the slope.

Hill top restaurant.

Tribal girl selling hand-woven handicrafts.

Old Chow Chow seated downstairs of restaurant.

View from restaurant balcony.
Tea leaves processing machinery.

BBQ rice balls sold at the night stalls.

View from the Golden Triangle - where three countries can be seen - Thailand, Laos and Myanmar.

Stairs up the temple.

At the Thai-Myanmar border.

Riding in a tuk-tuk in Laos.

Visitation to a poor village church in Laos.

Young mothers with their children.

Outside the church/ community hall.

The poverty-stricken village.

Pigs wandering about.

The second village we visited.

Singing action songs with the community.

Christmas celebrations at Vineyard home.

Dora the explorer!