Thursday 28 November 2013

Thailand - Krabi (Company Trip), 13-16 Sept 2013

This was a very much anticipated trip because not only was it my first company trip, but it was also my first time to Krabi, Thailand. And all I knew about the place was that it is by the beach and that we were going island hopping which is definitely a big reason for everyone to be skipping in excitement around the office. 

Day 1 - Fri, 13 Sept 2014

Thai temple at Krabi city centre. 
 We didn't actually go in as we were pretty hungry. So we went to look for food instead.

We walked by this little clinic/dental clinic which was adorned with adorable little puppets.

The stairs heading down the temple.

The garden in front of the temple. They had sculptures of animals all around.

Our first dinner in Krabi.- a wooden-stilt restaurant over water.
It was the opening night to the rest of the activities for the next few days, so we had an open stage for anyone who wanted to perform. Dinner here was acceptable, not the best by Thai standards, but the Mango Sticky Rice and the Water Chestnut dessert was lovely.

Day 2 - Sat, 14 Sept 2013

We had an early head start the very next morning. As part of the company's initiative, we were to corporately re-paint classrooms and build shelves in a local school.
School in Krabi town.
Ban Klonghaeng School.

Everyone gathered to await instructions.

The classroom before.
The classroom after.

The company Visualisers, Designers and Art Directors were placed in charged of painting a mural, sponsored by Nippon paint.

The finished mural.

A billboard on the way up to the restaurant on a hill for our dinner.

Dinner on a hill.

The view.

The hilltop restaurant.

My Account Exec, Wei Liek and I taking photos while waiting for the food.

Posing with colleagues. Or shall I say 'squatting with colleagues'... :P

With my roommate, Jia Qi, the Chinese writer.

Donut-shaped crab cakes.

Fried eggs. We had lots of these.

Day 3 - Sun, 15 Sept 2013
Today is all about the sun, sea, sand and sea creatures! We were going island hopping and snorkelling across three islands. Koh Poda, Koh Gai (Chicken island), Koh Tub and Koh Mor.

We saw lots of yellow-coloured fish at our first snorkelling spot. Same species.

There was more to see at our second spot, close to Chicken island. The water was pretty shallow where the boat stopped and some took home a painful souvenir. See below.

Sea urchin.

Chicken island.

It was a lazy sunday afternoon for some. And I offered this sleepy one some strawberry slushy.

Caro Wong and I climbed between some stalactites and stalagmites for a photo.
Dress-up gala dinner party.

Group games where the person who has the most ice on his chest wins.

Team members had to place ice only with their mouths.

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